Please view or print our current menu.


Student Breakfast: Free
Adult Breakfast: $2.25
Reduced Breakfast: Free

Student Lunch: Free
Adult Lunch: $3.40
Reduced Lunch: Free

Milk Only: 75¢


Please view or download a copy of an application for our free or reduced-price lunch program:


Food Services

Sandwich and green apple

At Valley R-VI School District, we know brainpower is connected to good nutrition, and we’re proud to offer wholesome, high quality meals for all our students. We provide an optional breakfast plan as well as a daily lunch service in both our schools.

Students bringing lunch from home may opt to buy a milk card or bring a healthy drink from home. We do not allow energy/power drinks at our schools, so please plan accordingly. Breakfast is available from 7:15 to 7:40 a.m. every morning.

Food Service Policy

Valley R-VI has a closed lunch policy. Students may either bring a lunch from home or participate in our hot lunch program at school. Meal prices are available on the side of this page as well as an application for our free or reduced price lunch program. Please note that the cafeteria operates on a pre-pay, cash only basis. Students and/or parents may make payments for meals with cash or check, daily or weekly, in the school office.

Parents, you are welcome to occasionally join us during the lunch hour; however, if you plan to purchase lunch in the cafeteria, please call the school office before 9:00 a.m., so that we may prepare the appropriate amount of food. We ask that all drinks brought to school be in sealed, non-breakable containers as part of a sack lunch. We do not allow power/energy drinks at school. Thank you for helping us keep our school clean by consuming all food and drink in the cafeteria and cleaning up your area before you leave.

Food Services Staff

(573) 779-3446, option 6

Tonya Heifner
Stephanie Nipper
Kim Olmsted
Wendy Tyndall