Governing Board

Valley School District’s governing board consists of seven community members who work together to ensure that the students in our schools receive the best education possible. The board meets together regularly to make decisions regarding school policies, budget allocations, and educational goals.

We would like to extend a formal invitation welcoming you to join us during our regular board meetings. We hold these meetings on the third Thursday of every month at 5:30 p.m. in the board room at Central Office. For more information, please note our schedule on the side of this page.

Meeting Agenda

Please join us for our next meeting! You may view the agenda here, so you'll know what we’ll be discussing.

Meet our Board Members

Blake Yount

Mitch Tedder

Trishanna McCoy

Paul Redinger

Brent McClain

Jennifer Turner

Pat Yount


Vice President






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Board Policies

Our governing board helps to create the policies our district follows in day-to-day operations and special circumstances. In the interest of transparency, we invite you to read our Revised School Board Policies.