Student Services
At Valley, we are preparing our students for the challenges they will face tomorrow! As part of our commitment to help each student reach his or her potential, we offer several programs and services to meet their varying educational needs.
Title I
Title I is helping us improve the academic achievement of students in reading and math by ensuring that all children have an equal opportunity to high-quality education. Valley receives federal funds under Title I to help us align our curriculum to state standards, hire highly qualified teachers, and improve our accountability and progress monitoring of students. For more information about this program, you are welcome to contact:
Title I Director/Language Arts
Caley Cooper
Title I Math
Alex Nash
Our library-media center is open every school day from 7:45 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. for student use. Come dive into our bookshelves for research, special projects, or recreation!
Please be courteous of others, and return your materials on time. Our library loans general collection books out for one week; periodicals are loaned out for three-day periods; reference material must stay in the library for daily use.
Our amazing librarian, Connie Yount, is happy to answer any questions you may have. Be sure to check out some of the great resources she put together for you on the High School, Elementary, and Web Links pages.
Instructional Service - Virtual Education
The district participates in the Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program. The program offers district students the opportunity to enroll in virtual school courses in a variety of grade level and content areas from kindergarten through grade 12. See building principal or guidance counselor for participation.
Foster Care
Liaison: Ashley Jones
Email: ajones@valley.k12.mo.us
Phone: (573 )779-3446 X221
Homeless Students
Liaison: Ashley Jones
Email : ajones@valley.k12.mo.us
Phone: (573) 779-3446 X221